
Des Moines Wedding Photographers - Jordan & Abigail

By stanzman in iowa ames des moines wedding photographers des moines wedding photos gateway hotel

Whoa, what a hot day for Jordan & Abby's wedding! Despite the 100° heat we had a great day shooting! Our first wedding at the Gateway Hotel near the ISU campus in Ames, beautiful garden and waterfalls to boot. Jordan & Abby are a great fun couple! Here's a collage of their wedding we put together. Click on image for large version. Enjoy!

Tim & Andrea

By stanzman in wedding photos iowa ames

We headed to Ames on Saturday for Tim & Andrea's wedding. This is one of the most beautiful modern-style architecture churches I have seen, with ceiling lights that were like stars in the sky. Their ceremony was even more beautiful, officiated by 3, yes 3, ministers. Andrea even went over to the grand piano and played and sang a song she wrote just for their wedding, it was very touching. A really, really sweet couple, and I had a great time documenting it for them. Click on pics for larger version. Enjoy!