des moines

Abby Normal rock band

By Stan Richard in des moines abby normal rock band

In the off-season I occasionally get to photograph something completely different, like a rock band!  Jana West (guitar, vocals) and Tim West (bass, vocals) recently split from the Out of the Blue rock band to form Abby Normal and they needed some promo photos for posters and their website.  I had already photographed some rock & roll portraits of Jana at My Studio By and she wanted to have some shots of the whole band taken in our upstairs loft.  Here are a few of my favorites.  Enjoy!

Des Moines Wedding Photographers - Our new studio!

By stanzman in des moines mystudioby

We are excited to join MyStudioBy in downtown Des Moines in the East Village area. It's a very cool rustic old building that is being remodeled. Currently there are 2 studios and 2 dressing rooms, a consultation/sales area with a 55' big screen, a small kitchen and an office area. So far we've shot one engagement and one anniversary at the new studio, with another engagement shoot tomorrow. Many changes taking place with new remodeling all the time. Lots of great props and equipment that all of us members share, it's really a great idea and we are so excited to be a part of it. Click here for more photos.

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