stan richard

Des Moines Wedding Photographers - Alexandra & Malachi

By stanzman in stan richard temple for the performing arts des moines wedding photographers des moines wedding photos

Sunday on Labor Day weekend brought us to the beautiful and elegant Temple for Performing Arts in downtown Des Moines for Alexandra & Malachi's beautiful wedding. Erika had the day off so Jamie Grant of Jamie Grant Photography assisted me with this one. We had great fun with this handsome young couple! Click on photos for large version. enjoy!

Chantel & Luke

By stanzman in wedding photos des moines spring stan richard

Whoa, it's been a busy season so far, and ok, I've neglected my blog a little bit, sorry folks! I've been busy busy busy editing wedding photos and trying to stay on top of it all. And with the switch to digital television my day job has been keeping me very busy on top of that. (In case you didn't know, I work as an engineer at Iowa Public Television too). Well, let's get on with it, here are a few from Chantel & Luke's wedding at the end of May. They had an incredibly beautiful day for their wedding in Ankeny followed by a tremendous reception at the Convention Center in downtown Des Moines. It kept myself, my assistant Noel, and my second shooter Nonja on our toes all day long. Ourselves and the bridal party headed to the SW side for some great wide open spaces photography, alot of fun. Here are a few from the wedding. Enjoy!