wedding party
Des Moines Wedding Photographers - Jacey & Briley
Des Moines Wedding Photographers - Ryan & Rachel's wedding
Des Moines Wedding Photographers - Brad & Carey's wedding
What a blast Erika and I had shooting Brad & Carey's wedding, this wedding party was non-stop fun! Carey was an absolutely beautiful bride! They hired the HEY JIMMY band for the reception at the Marriott downtown, what an incredible band! What a handsome and fun couple! Click photos for large version!
"The Jump"
Oh my, this is fun! Another shot of the entire wedding party from Ben & Lindi's wedding doing the classic "jump shot" at Greenwood Park in Des Moines. We tried several attempts but this is as close as we could get with everyone being airborne during the photo, it still turned out pretty good with one groomsman on his tiptoes and one bridesmaid with one foot on the ground. Click photo for larger version. Enjoy!